Jay Plemons

Sunday, September 18, 2005

The Big Easy

Ok, so I was walking home from church this morning, and I pass Grauman's Egyptian Theater. Now, I've never been in there so I decided to check it out. When I got in there, I found out that a screening of "The Big Easy" was about to start and the proceeds were going to the Red Cross. But the other thing is that Dennis Quaid was there.

So I go into the theater, and see some seats open in front of Dennis, so naturally I sit there. There was a guy that was sitting a few seats down that turned out to be the director of the movie.

It was pretty cool sitting there, cause they would talk during the movie about the different scenes. From now on when I go to the movies, I am going to make sure the star and director are going to be in the audience. It's the only way to watch movies.


  • Starstruck Indiana Boy.

    Did it ever cross your mind to say something to those guys that would make you memorable (so maybe you could get some acting work) or do you just smile and say, "Cool movie." ?

    And does the movie include the hurricane? If so, quick turn-around time~

    By Blogger crallspace, at 10:02 AM  

  • I said, "Good job." to both the star and director of the movie. It was put out in 80something. Actually, the movie was alright, so I lied a bit when I said "Good Job"

    By Blogger Jay Plemons, at 11:34 PM  

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